

Sacred Earth Embodiment

Gaia + Entheogen
Interweaving earth-centered ritual with sacred earth medicine.

We are in the midst of a profound psychedelic renaissance. People are finding deep healing and re-connection to their true self, spiritual and interpersonal transformation, access to new thoughts and creativity through the therapeutic and guided use of psychedelics. 

A trained guide and integration coach helps you to prepare for and feel safe during a psychedelic experience, then supports you in integrating the experience into your life. To integrate means to make whole. Said another way, integration can be described as the bringing together of what you already know with the new experiences of life.  

A coach meets you where you are now, and works dedicatedly with you moving forward on dreams, insights and aspirations.

About Me:

Hey! Jennifer here. Healing a lifetime of entrenched anxiety and multigenerational patterns of depression brought me to the field of psychedelic therapy. And to be clear, I utilized more healing modalities than psychedelics alone. However, working with these sacred medicines gave me a foundational sense of coming home to my life’s purpose and a clear connection to the divine that lives within each of us.

Here’s a bit more about me…

I founded Gaiaentheos Education & Coaching Services in 2020. I have a BS in Psychology, with an emphasis in Behavioral Neuroscience, from the University of Houston. Related to Psychedelic Therapy, I am an Entheogenic Integration & Addiction Recovery Coach, a Cannabis Health & Wellness Coach and a Shamanic Practitioner/Sacred Ceremonialist. I am also a Microdosing Educator and am currently the Lead Facilitator at the Microdosing Institute. My passion lives in the integration of psychedelic experiences and the potential of these sacred medicines to reunite someone with a sense of safety and security within their body and functional nervous system. Through embodiment techniques, compassionate listening, shamanic mentoring practices and restoring a person’s connection with the Earth, I guide people along the path of coming home to their sovereign self. I support others in remembering their divine contract with themselves and this beautiful Earth-body we call home. 

Cannabis Health & Wellness Coaching | Entheogenic Integration Coaching | Recalibration to True Self | Nervous System Reclamation | Psychedelic Journey Preparation | Microdosing Instruction & Support | Sacred Ceremony